Winter Wellness Made Fun and Festive!

Beloved Art Bend family, we know winter can sometimes feel like an uninvited guest who overstays its welcome. Shorter days and colder weather might leave us feeling a tad down but hey – remember, we’ve got the paintbrush to color our days bright! How you ask? With a dab of creativity and our trusty sidekick, art therapy. Yes art enthusiasts, let’s paint out those winter blues and sculpt a Happy New Year with mental wellness as our muse!

 Fun Art Activities!

  • Color Outside the Lines with Coloring and Drawing: This isn’t homework, folks! Adult coloring books or freehand drawing can be your cozy winter evening buddy. Put on your festive socks, sip on your hot chocolate and just let your pencils dance on the canvas – it’s relaxing, therapeutic, and downright fun!
  • Play in the Warm Coziness with Clay: Who knew getting your hands dirty could clean your mind of stress! Mold your thoughts; shape your feelings. Let the grounding feel of clay bring you the comfort of a warm winter hug.
  • Pen Out Winter in a Creative Journal: Express your winter tale in a journal where words meet doodles, collages, or paints. It’s a wonderful journey mapping your thoughts and feelings of the frosty season!

Why Is Art Therapy Your Best Winter Friend?


  • Distracts the Winter Grumbles: Crafting, painting, or just doodling takes your mind off the chilly winds outside and immerses you into a state of colorful mindfulness.
  • Brightens Your Mood: Hey, who doesn’t like making stuff? The sheer satisfaction of creating something is like a Christmas morning – joyful and uplifting!
  • Helps You Understand ‘You’ Better: Art is a mirror into your heart and mind. It presents you with insights into your thought process and emotions. A little self-awareness could be the best gift you give yourself this year!


Shaping Your Art Therapy Winter Wonderland!


  • Set Your Weekly Art Date: Find a comfortable timing in your week that’s just you-and-art time.
  • Create Your Magical Art Nook: Dedicate a snug, inviting nook at home that becomes your art haven. Your space, your rules!
  • The Journey is Your Destination: It’s all about having a good time, folks! Your final piece of art doesn’t have to be fit for a museum – it’s the feeling of contentment during the creation process that counts.

Winter doesn’t have to be this icy giant we have to brave. Let art therapy be your warm cloak of creativity, instilling peace and joy in these colder months.

Whether you’re a Picasso or a newbie doodler, we at Art Bend know the magic you can create! So hop on, let’s create our winter wonderland together – And don’t forget to share your creations with us.

At Art Bend, we’re all about cheerful creating and spreading mental wellness together! Let’s color this winter beautiful, shall we?