Story Time
Once upon a time, in the city of South Bend, Indiana, two artists named Greg and Julian embarked on a journey that would forever change their lives. They had a dream to create a space where their community could connect with each other through the power of art. Little did they know that their faith in God and their unwavering determination would lead them to achieve their mission with a budget of $0.
[We are grateful for God’s grace and for the many ways He has blessed us. We are also grateful for the opportunity to share our story with you. We hope that it will inspire you to trust in God and to walk by faith]
How It Began
In 2016, the City of South Bend, Indiana, was undergoing a massive street renovation in its west side. The aim of the project was to help drive more traffic to the small businesses that populated the main street.
With new paved streets, new lamp posts, new stoplights, and new sidewalks, the west side of town was ready to celebrate its facelift with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The ceremony included street vendors, family-friendly attractions, and a pop-up art gallery that was used to cover up an abandoned storefront where the event was to take place
Event organizers reached out to Greg and I for volunteer help to be in charge of the pop-up art gallery setup.
We graciously agreed to volunteer and we quickly gathered a group of close friends and family who were willing to help us transform the abandoned store front into a pop-up art gallery.
They provided us with cleaning supplies and materials to clean out the venue. They also brought in three different paint colors: Caution Yellow, Handicapped Blue and White to paint the walls. That’s it. (Hence our branding colors)