Gifting Toys or Experiences?

“I received a toy for Christmas and it was the best gift ever!” How many of us have heard that phrase from a child? If your answer is “enough,” then you already know my point here. I love toys as much as anyone, but we all need to remember what childhood is really all about: time spent with family. I know you might be thinking that time with family is more important during the holidays, but what about all other times? I’m going to show you how giving experiences instead of toys can benefit everyone involved—children included!

Research shows that experiences make us happier than stuff.

Research shows that experiences make us happier than stuff. How so, you ask? Well, for one thing, experiences are more likely to make us happy in the long term—but it’s not just because they don’t have a limited shelf life. Experiences also help us grow as people and become more confident. They’re something we can share with others who matter most to us (or even ourselves), which makes them better at helping us live our best lives than material things that may feel good but won’t help improve our lives in any meaningful way beyond temporary satisfaction.


Gifts of time and attention are most important for children.

When it comes to gifts for children, there are no shortage of toys that you can choose from. But what about gift experiences? As parents ourselves, we know how difficult it is to find the perfect toy for your child. And let’s face it: most kids get more toys than they need or even want!

We believe that a gift experience is the best way to show your child that you care about them and their future. Your child will be able to learn more about themselves as well as develop confidence when they complete something challenging or fun on their own without any help from a parent or friend. Experiences also help children feel connected with their parents because these activities create memories that will last forever—they won’t ever forget the time they went hiking together in Yosemite National Park because those moments were special enough for both of you! If this sounds too expensive then don’t worry; not every place requires tons of money before going there so no matter what type of budget you have – whether small or large – there’s always an option available somewhere nearby where they’ll take care while traveling abroad safely within budget range.”


Gifting experiences causes parents to think about their kids’ interests in a deeper way.

Giving experiences is a great idea for many reasons. The first is that it helps you to think about your child’s interests in a deeper way, which can help you to better support them as they grow up. For example, let’s say that you know your child loves riding their bike around the neighborhood and collecting bugs. Giving them a membership at the local nature center would allow them to do both of these things and would also give them access to more services like hikes, camps, and science programs specific to their age group.

Another benefit of gifting experiences instead of toys is that they can be shared with others—whether it’s sharing with other family members or even friends and neighbors! When parents gift experiences instead of toys this allows more people (and kids!) access into what might otherwise be considered an exclusive club—like taking your daughter on her first horseback ride with her best friend who lives down the street from you!

Finally but not lastly, experiences make great gifts because they’re something everyone can enjoy together! Whether it’s going fishing or riding roller coasters at Six Flags Great Adventure Park – there are endless options available when choosing between different types of activities like paintballing vs hiking through new terrain each time so there’s no limit when deciding where next adventure should take place 🙂

I truly hope these lines help you see the Holiday season in a slightly different way when it comes to gifting. Thank you for reading! 


Rustic Farmhouse-Style Pumpkin Makeover

October 3rd, 2022

Upcycling Pumpkins

Say goodbye to those tacky, orange pumpkins. It’s time to give them a makeover.

The old-fashioned pumpkin had a garish orange color and looked quite cheap.

We stripped away the old design by soaking it in a mixture of white vinegar and alcohol for 15 minutes, then sanding and wiping it clean. Once the pumpkin was dry, we painted it white and added segments with brown paint.

Finally, we glued on a twine rope and a black and white bow to complete the look.

Campers really loved the craft and were very happy to take pictures with their finished masterpiece!





About Craft Camp

At Craft Camp, we believe that children are creators and innovators, with unlimited potential to express their inner strengths. Our camp leaders use arts-based activities to help kids tap into and express their strength, overcome a struggle, or seek resolution.

Prepare Your Kids for Life’s Challenges With These Self-Care Tips

By contributor writer Virginia Cooper

Your little ones confront unique hurdles to remain emotionally balanced. Guide them with these self-care tips to help them feel focused and content as they face future challenges.

Maintain a Balanced Diet

Children like to try what they see others enjoying, so relish eating healthily. Instead of indulging in junk food during fun events like picnics and sports games, opt for flavorful fruits and vegetables. Studies conclude that food tastes better when having fun, such as when your sports team is winning a big game.

There are many kitchen products that can help you eat healthy. For example, a juicer can help you get your daily dose of fruits and vegetables, and a food processor can make it easy to whip up healthy meals. Before purchasing any products for your family, read online reviews to make sure they’re high-quality items that are safe for everyone.

 Inspire Creativity

Negative emotions need a positive outlet so they don’t turn into destructive behavior. Get the kids involved in art classes at Gallery 2910 where they can hone their skills and express themselves. Join in on the fun and don’t be
overly strict about their progress.

Use Breathing Exercises to Calm Anxiety

Deep breathing practice can help regulate emotions and release tension. Kids often find the routines fun to learn, and the exercises are an excellent way to teach mindfulness and self-awareness. Cloud breaths aid in reducing anxiety by having the kids trace the calming figure of a cloud while slowly inhaling and exhaling.

Buddy breaths get the stuffed animals involved. A child lies on their back with the stuffed animal on their stomach
and breathes in and out while keeping the toy steady. You can encourage your little one by telling them the action
helps to calm their stuffed friend. Do the exercises together to model the practice.

Practice Goal-Setting With Vision Boards

Help the kids improve grades, perform better in extracurriculars, and create a pattern of self-development by writing down their goals. Written goals are much more potent than just stating an intention. A vision board takes goal-setting to another level with pictures that help you visualize your objective. The family should work together to create worthwhile aims and craft creative expressions of their dreams.

Train Them How to Help Others

Children spend the first two years of their lives being tended to on hand and foot. Showing them how to care about
others and make sacrifices builds them into valuable members of society. A giving attitude results in being rewarded by others in appreciation, so train your kids to have prosocial behavior by highlighting the good feelings from sharing and volunteering. Avoid using pressure and prizes as these methods rarely result in lasting behavioral changes. Praise efforts and create prosocial routines and activities.

Make Room for Outdoor Activities by Grading Your Yard

Help your children enjoy the outdoors with a safe and welcoming space to play outside. If your yard is uneven, you
may lose usable space and damage your landscape with poor water drainage and erosion. If you need to level your
yard to create more opportunities for play, a professional land grading service can handle this task. Before hiring
anyone, do a search for “grading contractors near me” and get informed by reading customer reviews and feedback.

Always ensure your grading company is licensed and insured and has excellent referrals.
Keep a caring and watchful eye on your children to help support them as they navigate the stresses of life. When you assist your kids in resetting and refreshing mentally, they are better equipped to deal with any difficulties that come their way. Keep them eating healthy, inspire creativity, set goals, teach them breathing exercises, create a safe outdoor space, and show them how to help others.

Fall Moose Painting Tutorial Package

Thank you for downloading your free Fall Moose tutorial package.

This design is for personal use only.

>If you are interested in using this design for profit at your paint party business please visit the Paint Party Rockstar membership here

Highland Cow Free Tracers

You are on your way to making beautiful art. Simply fill out the form below to download your FREE tracer. This tracer is for personal use only! Thank you!


How Your Child Can Benefit From Art

How Your Child Can Benefit From Art

Projects and Camps

Ages 5-11

By contributor writer Virginia Cooper

With the warm, beautiful weather here, it’s time to engage in some fun in the sun! And what better way is there to do that than to plan art activities for home or summer camps?

There are countless art projects to try, many of which you can likely do with items you already have in the house.


If you want your child to grow in confidence, independence, and social skills, letting them attend
a camp will do the trick!

Many camps are geared towards a specialty, such as physical fitness or
a specific sport. And chances are there is an art camp in your area that your kid would love to attend!

Below, Art Gallery 2910 discusses how art can benefit your child this spring and summer.

At-Home Projects


Your child doesn’t have to leave the house to benefit from engaging in our activities. There are countless indoor and outdoor projects worth trying.

For example, you could help your child design their own T-shirt. They could use a free clothing logo design tool online and order shirts for the entire family!

Fine Motor Skills and Coordination


Kids of all ages can significantly improve their fine motor skills and coordination by engaging in art projects.

While completing projects on their own will naturally help them develop these skills, doing it with the guidance of a parent or counselor can help even more.

Relaxation and Stress Relief


Art has a way of calming down even the most energetic kids. To follow instructions and use the imagination requires a level of stillness and calmness.

Whether your child is painting rocks in the backyard or drawing with charcoal at camp, concentrating on a specific project will help
them relax and enjoy the moment.



One of the biggest perks of your child engaging in art is that it exposes them to new techniques.

When conducted in a low-pressure environment, they are able to set their imagination free and creatively express their thoughts and emotions.

Enhanced Creativity


When a child attends art camp, they are surrounded by counselors and campers, which can expose them to new ideas and outlooks. They can spend time observing nature together and discuss the details that stick out to them.

When spending time outdoors, even if at home, a child can use their observations to produce creative work and learn to inject creativity into their daily

Inspiration and Innovation


Innovation and creativity elude even some of the most intelligent adults. As your child learns to think creatively and continues to cultivate their original ideas through art projects, it can spark inspiration and help them become more innovative.

As this happens, your child will grow in self-confidence knowing that the qualities they are developing will help them for many years to come.

Spring and summer are the seasons for art projects! If you’re looking for fun and engaging activities that can benefit your children’s cognitive, emotional, and social development, sign them up for camp.

If that is not an option, or if you want to keep your kid involved in the arts on a regular basis, find some unique projects to do at home. Your child will love the activities, and their health and well-being will benefit!

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